Friday, June 6, 2008

Serena, Love Your Body….But Men Are Horny

French Open is dominating the sports scene; there are friends who are obsessed with female tennis player esp. Ivanovic etc. Guys do not like to see William sisters and find them manly, muscular. What I like about these sisters, they are original, they adore their bodies irrespective of muscles and big butt yet they try cool fashion trick on the track.

I love people who are original from inside and glad to see NIKE poetry on loving your body.

My Butt Is Big
And round like the letter C
And ten thousand lunges
Have made it rounder
But not smaller
And that's just fine.
It's a space heater
For my side of the bed
It's my ambassador
To those who walk behind me
It's a border collie
That herds skinny women
Away from the best deals
At clothing sales.
My Butt Is Big
And that's just fine
And those who might scorn it
Are invited to kiss it.
Just Do It.

I just fail to understand, being horny once in a while is normal but cracking jokes including sex, showing frustration with sex related words, feeling good is expressed through sexual thoughts, viewing women with sexual goggles and sending 8 sex related emails out of 10 informal email exchange among guy friends. No wonder my friends say MEN ARE LIKE DOGS. Some of them even wake up horny and continue all the day....disgusting.

Anyways, i think ultra horny thoughts are the by products of closed society backed by confused religious justification of curbing nature.

1 comment:

Asma Shabab said...

i disagree.. why complicate such a basic emotion. youre horny cos youre horny