Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Phobia & Fever Truly Engulfed Everyone 'Obama..Obama..Obama'

It was historic moment when an African American guy sworn in as 44th President of the most powerful country of the world. I had been waiting whole day to witness historic moment, it was amazing to see the way whole ceremony planned, and historic protocols were awesome. Speech was powerful; it reminded everyone of Martin Luther Jr's speech ‘I have a dream……. I am sure today that dream has been fulfilled. His speech was powerful he talked about the American journey, all the way ancestors steps enabled today’s America possible. It was interesting he talked about PEACE & MUTUAL RESPECT whereas four year back George Bush talked about Democracy & Crusade. He also warned people about challenges on economic front at home as well as war on terror esp. in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also sent a powerful double message to Muslim world, to abandon support to extremists, say yes to mutual respect and peace, if not so, dealt with power. It was a strong warning . He also pledge that US is ready to lead the world effectively. There is a lot of hope all around, lets see, time will tell.
I wish i were there to witness the historic moment live :(
I loved the precise , effective & powerful speech, one of the best i have ever heard.
Hope democrats and liberals will be successful .

1 comment:

Liz said...

He spoke of the America I know. I knew nothing of Bush's America. That was CRAZY. I know things will be different now and the world can respect America again. You're going to LOVE it. :)