Friday, December 19, 2008

What???? Girls Buying Slim Body Without Losing Weight…Oops Its Magic Knickers…Sounds Weird!!

No more bulges babes, no more strenuous workout…..instant slim body. Guardian “UK Paper” writes, gone are the days when you think of lengthy weight losing exercise and gaining confidence, it is the magic dress ‘control pants’ makes you instantly fit for the party.
The thong looks suitably revolting - cheese wire attached to a fleshy cummerbund to absorb all fat. All of the control pants make you sit up straighter, cant move much here and there. It's also fairly obvious that you're not going to be able to eat a four-course meal in any kind of control underwear without seriously unpleasant results heheheh
Eliminating bulges is control pants reason for existence. Pants go right up to your chest and a little way down your legs, so you're seamless and bulge-free along your entire mid-section (sort of like a sausage). There is brand called ‘Charnos’ is good for those with smaller bums and big tummies, as it tends to cut into your cheeks but leave the rest of you sucked in. The other bonus is that you can wear it with strapless dresses and feel thoroughly supported, thanks to its built-in bra.

All fat babes, give it a try, expert believe it’s worth it to regain confidence instantly. How fast life gets, we want everything instantly without making any effort, eat a lot, no workout yet dying to buy slim body. Wow…round of applause for modern age.

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